WALX with Harrow Striders

Den & Sue Collen

Harrow Striders was started by Sue and Den Collen in 2017 as after enjoying Nordic Walking together, we wanted to share the health and wellness benefits they experienced with others in our local communities in the beautiful green spaces and green flagged parks around Harrow. Together as Harrow Striders, Sue and Den have developed their nordic walking programmes around these outdoor spaces to offer a wide variety of walks to meet the differing needs of people in our communities. There are weekly walks and more adventurous walks in the evenings and weekends in the country parks and nature reserves around Stanmore Sue specialises in Wellness walks which include gentle exercises and some yoga postures as well as leading longer walks around Stanmore, Harrow Weald and Chess Valley.In 2010 Den suffered heart failure and was simultaneously diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The journey back to health and fitness has been slow and steady with many lifestyle changes. One of these was to get more physical exercise and through Sue he discovered Nordic walking, an activity they enjoy together and he brings his passion to share his story and the lessons he has learned to Harrow Striders. Den specialises in faster, pacy walks in the weekday as well as weekend mornings

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Activities by WALX with Harrow Striders

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