WALX Leamington And Warwick

Emma White

WALX Leamington and Warwick run walks and sessions in the Leamington area. We are an established Total Body Walking group and have been delivering sessions in the area for 7 years. At WALX all your activities and walks are lead by qualified instructors and leaders. There is something for everyone at WALX. If you prefer a more gentle pace to your exercise then WELLBEING sessions are ideal for you. However if you are needing something more challenging and demanding and want to push yourself then the TOTAL BODY WALX will work especially if you are wanting to improve your fitness for a challenge or a future event, The TOTAL BODY WALX will combine resistance and strength exercises as part of the session. The EXPLORER WALX are a great way to exercise outside in a social group where you can walk and talk, the length of these walks varies from a few hours to half/full day.The poles we use are specifically designed to ensure you get the benefit of Total Body walking with every step you take . WALX we offer all our members zoom sessions which provide extra sessions online if you are either away on holiday or have other commitments at home or work. Whatever your goals, you will be supported, from getting fitter, competing in an event, to improving your mobility in making very day tasks easier,For the summer we will continue to offer the excellent 6 week Introductory offer to all new members with all the benefits of having a membership .To find out more about us you can book onto an introductory session Power of Poles and feel the benefits of walking with poles, poles will be provided or join our OPEN Walx.

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Activities by WALX Leamington And Warwick

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